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Sources of sugar in food

Sugar is present in several food products and sometimes  food can be unappetizing if it’s not present. It is added to products like breads, dairy-based foods, salad dressings, and sauces. The sugar is added...

How to measure your blood pressure

Taking a blood pressure reading is common these days, whether in your home of getting it measured in a clinic. It is important to measure your reading correctly as there can be a difference...

Everything You Need To Know About Prediabetes

Prediabetes is a widespread medical condition affecting a substantial percentage of the adult population worldwide. It is a borderline diabetes condition with frequent high blood sugar levels in the body. Fluctuations in the diet can...

Hypoglycemia or low sugar

Hypoglycemia is a state where blood sugar levels fall below 70 mg percent and is and clearly defined medical emergency . This situation may arise in cases where there has been a long gap of...

Diabetes and Alcohol

Moderate alcohol intake does not have major detrimental effect on long-term blood glucose management in diabetic patients. Risks associated with alcohol consumption include hypoglycemia and / or delayed hypoglycemia (particularly for those using insulin or...

Diabetes and Smoking

People with diabetes who smoke and people with diabetes exposed to secondhand smoke have a heightened risk of cardiovascular disease, premature deaths, microvascular  complications, and worse glycemic control when compared to those who do...

Diabetes and Foot care

Perform a comprehensive foot evaluation at least annually to identify risk factors for ulcers and amputations. Patients with evidence of sensory loss or prior ulceration or amputation should have their feet inspected at every visit. Obtain...

Diabetes and Bones

Age specific hip fracture risk is significantly increased in both people with type 1 diabetes (relative risk 6.3) and those with type 2 diabetes (relative risk 1.7) in both sexes. Type 1 diabetes is associated...

Diabetes and Pancreas

Diabetes is linked to diseases of the exocrine pancreatitis which may disrupt the global architecture  or physiology of Pancreas often resulting in both exocrine and endocrine dysfunction. Up to 1 of 2 patients with diabetes...

FAQs for Patients with Hypertension, Diabetes and Heart Diseases in view of Coronavirus

Are patients with heart disease, diabetes or hypertension at increased risk to get coronavirus infection? No, people with hypertension, diabetes or heart diseases are at no greater risk of getting the infection than anyone else. Among...

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